- How do I reload my Yes account with a Reload Card?
The Reload Card comes with a 16-digit activation code. For reload card scratch the card to reveal the activation code.a) Via MyYes app Choose Quick Access>Select Quick Reload>Enter Yes ID/Number> Scan/Enter Activation Code b) Via Yes Pay & Reload Key In Yes Number > Click verify > Select Service > Activate Reload Card and Convert To Add-On > Key In your 16-digits Reload Activation Code and Submit c) Via SMS Send REL<space><Yes Number><space><Activation Code> to 0183301111
e.g. REL 0181230000 1234567890123456
*Standard SMS charges apply to reloads via other telco operators. - What are the available Yes Reloads available?
The Yes Reloads available for purchase are as follows;Yes Reload Denomination
Yes Credit
Account Validity Period
RM2 RM2 4 days RM5 RM5 10 days RM10* RM10 20 days RM15 RM15 30 days RM20 RM20 40 days RM30* RM30 60 days RM35 RM35 70 days RM40 RM40 80 days RM50 RM50 100 days RM100 RM100 200 days *Reload cards are available only in denominations of RM10 and RM30
- Is there an expiry date for the Reload Card?
Yes, there is. The expiry date is printed on the Reload Card. - What happens to my credit balance after I have made a new reload?
Your new reload will be added on to your remaining credit balance. e.g. If you have a balance of RM 20 and you reload another RM 20, your new account balance would be RM 40. - How do I check my balance once the reload is done? Will I receive any notification?
Yes, you will receive an SMS notification.
To check your balance, download the MyYes app and log in with your credentials. If your reload is successful, you should be able to see that the reload amount has been credited into your current account balance. To check your Yes Credit balance via SMS:
Type BAL<space><Yes mobile number> and send it to 018 330 1111.
- Can I get a refund for the unused credit on my Reload Card?
No, all Reload Cards are non-refundable. The same applies to the credit that has already been loaded into your Yes account. - If the activation code is invalid, how do I get help?
You can email us at yescare@yes.my. - Can I reload for another Yes number using the Reload Card?
Yes, you can. Simply go here and enter the Yes ID/Phone Number/Account Number of the Yes account that you wish to reload along with the activation code from your Yes Reload card. - Can I purchase Prepaid Data Add-ons using the Reload Cards?
The Yes Reload Cards are currently for reloading your Yes Credit only. However, you can use your credit balance to purchase the Prepaid Data Add-ons at MyYes app. - Can I use the Reload Card to reload via SMS?
Yes, you can.
- How do I reload my Yes account with a Reload Card?